JJ has a thing for salt & pepper shakers. |
San Giminiano is located on a hill and it has three distinguishing towers. On the order of a any number of late medieval towns, it was conceived with streets only for horse-drawn carriages and pedestrians. Since tourists are required to park in a specially designated lot at the base of the hill, I do not recall any motor powered vehicles in the streets, maybe a few bicycles. Perhaps there is a city ordinance which forbids service vehicles during business hours because these also were conspicuously absent. (Nice!)
Except for high noon, one side of the street is cooled by the ancient two and three story buildings on each side. At this time of year (early June) the interior of the shops is pleasantly cool. Amazingly these shops are relatively roomy though long, not wide. Sometimes, two long shops are made into one by an adjoining passage.
Sorry, but I could not tell you much about the 3 towers, but the walk through the town was pleasant enough. Like a kid, Ol’ JJ wanted to buy a gelato at every delightful gelataria along the way of which there were too many.* He would sneak at least one or two at each destination. For myself, my best souvenir is the magnificent pottery.**
I have a thing for comedia characters. These ceramic renderings are slightly less than life size. Can you imagine shipping them across the oceans? Happens every day! |
*Even though we walked on average 10 km per day JJ’s weight remained stable. Portly he is, as you can see. Do you wonder why?
**I've made the photos extra-large so that you can see the intricacy of the artwork.
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