Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Romantic in Riquewihr

#4 takes a photo of the ancient archway.

In the distance Lisebeth, our Alsatian Cousin/Cuisinière with Lou Henry & Claire

We had sauntered up through the cobbled streets in the town of Riquewihr,* couched on a hill. The topmost street sloped gently back toward the old entry archways. Here we could see more sky as houses had less stories. Suddenly some dark red shutters gave way, & the glass-paned windows rattled open to reveal a smiling old lady. This was the conversation that ensued between her, another male tourist, & myself. 

She still can't resist flirting.

She: Bonjour! Bonjour!

Us: Bonjour, madame!  

She: Welcome to our town! So nice you’ve come. We love visitors.

Us: Well, thanks! We love to be here. It’s so beautiful. 

She: Do you know how old I am? 

Me: I just bet you’re about a hundred years old!….or you wouldn’t ask!

Man: Mais non! You’re still a pretty young thing!

She: Oh no! I’m not one hundred.

He: Oh certainly not! 

Me: I’ll bet she is!

She: Come on! Guess again.

Me: I’ll bet you’re past 100 or you wouldn’t insist.

She: I’m a hundred and four! I just celebrated my birthday.

Me: Eh bien. Felicitations! You’re still good-looking. 

He: You are a beautiful young lady, Madame.

She: You don’t say! Come again sometime.

*Riquewihr - ree-kuh-veer (how very un-French!)

Photos of this fairytale town.

Lizbeth & Claire explore the town.

Symphony in Purple

Lou Henry, JJ, Clare & Lisebeth: Bright Blue & Gold with flower boxes

1 comment:

  1. And that folks.. is why ONE travels! How enchanting Joanna and what a pretty town.
